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RSS Widget Upgrade

We recently rolled out an upgrade to our WordPress website (if you’re using the new UF&Shands website theme): The RSS feed widget has now been completely re-engineered. At this point some of you may be asking, “What is an RSS feed?” An RSS feed is a format for delivering regularly…

The Latent Power of Photoshop’s Layer Comps

Way back in 2003 Adobe released its eighth version of Photoshop. Buried within was a little known gem called Layer Comps. As a youthful, self-proclaimed grandmaster of Photoshop, I casually dismissed this quiet addition as gimmickry and carried on with my negligent ways. Eight years later,…

Take Charge of your Broken Links

What are Broken links? Just like it sounds, they are links that are not functioning the way they are supposed to work. Broken links in a website can be a big issue. Not only do they cause frustration for users trying to use the links, they also cause issues…

Email Newsletter Design

How taking 30 minutes of prep. time could increase the individual readership of your articles (from email campaigns) by nearly 200%… Let’s paint a very simple picture: You’re getting ready to announce to the world the release of your new online magazine/newsletter. It’s filled with dedicated articles on several…

Beyond Use Case

I'm not a native developer. I didn't get a computer science degree and I didn't cut my chops on an Apple IIe. I'm a good architect, though, and end up developing human-friendly Web applications. I'm able to do so because I understand narrative.

WebGL: A Look At Current 3D Web Technologies

WebGL is based on the OpenGL and OpenGL ES APIs which power the graphics behind many modern desktop applications and most mobile device platforms (like Apple's iOS and Google's Android). With WebGL, web developers can finally harness the power of your computer's GPU.

WebGL: A Look At Current 3D Web Technologies

WebGL is based on the OpenGL and OpenGL ES APIs which power the graphics behind many modern desktop applications and most mobile device platforms (like Apple's iOS and Google's Android). With WebGL, web developers can finally harness the power of your computer's GPU.

Google+ Pages are Here

Google+ took off like a rocket. It only took 16 days for the social media platform to reach 10,000,000 users. Now Google+ has launched pages for businesses, organizations, and institutes. What does this mean for the Academic Health Center? Looking Under the Hood Here we see the Google+…

VirtualBox: Testing IE on Your Mac

As a long time Windows user recently converted to Mac, I’m surprised that I don’t miss more programs than I do. Unfortunately, Internet Explorer hasn’t run natively on Apple’s operating system since 2003.