Flexible Design
Introducing UFHealth.org 2.0

The previous ufhealth.org had some rigid content structures – for example, a location page could only have a few pages, with very specific layouts. In order to explain the breadth of our services, this meant sometimes building duplicate content, or putting content in multiple different places, that caused confusion for a patient navigating the site. We’ve rethought that entire structure to create a flexible structure that can account for our content needs.

Specialty, condition and treatment pages start with a standardized design. The designs can be modified and changed to meet specific needs and to highlight the key differentiators that separate us from our competitors. For example, a particular marketing campaign, a unique patient intake process, or a need to focus on a particular care team or treatment.

Our flexible design layout allows us to do more than modify these single pages – we can expand a content type to include multiple additional pages. Our Team pages could be added to a condition health topic to show the entire care team that is involved in a patient’s care, from multidisciplinary listing of physicians to nurses,occupational therapists, and more. 

This ability to expand content types gives us more customizable options that reflect our full continuum of care. The updated design ensures the content is still easy to find and easy to navigate for our visitors.

Streamlining the User Experience

By expanding the capability of these content types, we’ve reduced complexity in the site and how patients navigate to different sections. As a result, we’ve reduced the number of subsites in ufhealth.org. These subsites included additional information on programs, specialties, and locations. There were over 90 of these subsites on the original site. Now, with that contact moved to their relevant content types, we’ve reduced the total number of subsites to less than 10. This provides several key benefits:

  • It reduces site navigation
  • It removed multiple sections of the site repeating content
  • It improves and refines our search engine results by concentrating content and removing multiple search results to different places on our site, instead of a single focused location for new and returning patients