Usability Testing

Usability looks at how easy it is for a user of your site to navigate your website and accomplish the goals that you have set for that site – find a health care provider, apply for admissions to your college, etc. Reviewing your site for usability issues and finding ways to address them is critical for a well-functional and effective web presence. Without it, your site runs the potential of being too difficult to use and people will leave the site.



Heat Mapping

Used to review where users interact with the page and at what point abandon a page while scrolling.



Used to capture real-time user sentiment and reactions to using a site through.

Usability Testing Plan

Are you interested in making usability testing a service line for your web office? We’re providing our Usability Testing planning document as a resource in doing just that!

For each of the services we are offering, the document outlines: what we test; why we test; the targets, goals, and outcomes of the test; the ROI in doing and the risks in not doing the test; and methodology, timetable, and resources needed for each test.