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Updating Existing Files in a WordPress Site

Can we update an existing document in our website without losing the links to that document? YES WE CAN! The Problem with Replacing a File A good example of the old way is to think about a document that is updated annually, like a policies document. Up until now, in…

Image Size

Size matters when you are creating web pages. The larger the file, the longer it takes for the page to download and become visible for your viewers.

Take Charge of your Broken Links

What are Broken links? Just like it sounds, they are links that are not functioning the way they are supposed to work. Broken links in a website can be a big issue. Not only do they cause frustration for users trying to use the links, they also cause issues…

Website or Blog

In some people’s minds, there are big differences between a web site and a blog. Websites seem to be considered a more serious vehicle, while blogs tend to be thought of in a less serious, or even frivolous, manner.

Website or Blog

In some people’s minds, there are big differences between a web site and a blog. Websites seem to be considered a more serious vehicle, while blogs tend to be thought of in a less serious, or even frivolous, manner.