
All Posts by

Jeffrey Stevens

Jeff Stevens is the Assistant Web Manager for UF Health Web Services. He focuses on user experience, information architecture, content strategy, and usability.

New features: footer contact information, alert boxes, horizontal rules

Today we have released 3 new features for users of the Apollo theme: Footer Contact Information: You can now add a line of basic contact information to your websites footer (address, phone numbers). [see preview] To enable: visit Appearance / Theme Options / Footer In the text field labeled…

Security Enhancements Resulting in Error Messages for Internet Explorer

Due to recent improvements in the security of our content management systems, website content managers using Internet Explorer as their web browser (versions 8 or older) will see a warning appear under certain screens. The warning reads: “Do you want to view only the webpage content that was…

A Year In Web: 2011

As 2012 begins, the External Web Services team takes a look back at 2011 and what they consider to be the greatest trend or achievement in web development and communications for the year.

WordPress Upgrade Coming Today

An upgrade to WordPress will be made later today. This new version will introduce a new way to upload files (drag and drop!), a new fly out menu that reduces clutter, and some performance and bug fixes. Watch a preview of the major changes: [flv height=”350″]http://videos.videopress.com/I7NAw9Zk/three-three-final_hd.mp4[/flv] Don’t Forget to Refresh…

This new year, I’m committing to more rapid prototyping

A couple years ago at SXSW, I watched a great demo from a few of the guys at Google about how they won over internal audiences for new products. They demonstrated several user experiences and introduced me to the idea of rapid prototyping. image…

Google Analytics and Social Interaction Part II

In Google Analytics and Social Interaction Part 1, we looked at methods of recording how often people on our sites share content from that site with their networks in social media.  But how do we measure incoming traffic from these social networks?…

Following the KISS rule

As a programmer, programming is fun to me. I'm sure a lot of other code monkeys feel the same way. It is satisfying to be presented a problem, and create a solution for it.

Image Size

Size matters when you are creating web pages. The larger the file, the longer it takes for the page to download and become visible for your viewers.

Work Faster: A Few Productivity Apps for Your Mac

As anyone who sits behind a computer screen for many hours each day knows, there are many repetitive tasks we perform that accumulate into substantial time sinks over the course of a work week. Things such as file/application browsing, window resizing, copying/pasting, etc can really slow us down.